and promised each other our forevers. No nervousness, no fear, none of the gut-clenching sense of wrongness I had when I married BoyChild's dad. I took my emotional temperature several times throughout the day - just in case - but felt nothing but calm excitement.
After the ceremony, we went with TBG's sis and B-I-L, and my best girlfriend and her husband to a very swank tapas bar on Canyon Road. The food was AMAZING, the two couples (each our own favorite people in the world) got along great. How rare is that? I'm so used to the "my friends think your friends are loud, rude boors, and your friends think my friends are uptight snobs" routine, keeping everybody separated at social gatherings.
Of course, some combination of nerves, not eating right that day, too much unusual food, and ONE pomegranate margarita served to make me sicker than I think I have ever been. By eight that night I was violently ill, and continued with intermittent dances with the porcelain throne all night. Beautiful wedding, horrible wedding night. We decided it's NOT a portent of things to come.